Project highlights
Community dance film
Directed & created by Ania Straczynska, SE19 Dance Projects
Crystal Palace
Moon and Yew
Daylight Music, The Sebright Arms, St. John on Bethnal Green
Choreography by Imogen Bland in collaboration with composer Lucy-Claire
Photography by Paul Hudson
From the Ground Up
Bussey Building, Peckham
Spontaneous Combustion Festival 2015
Choreography & performance by Imogen Bland
Photography by Florian Herzberg
Silence Must Be!
Agony Art, Huddersfield University, High Tide Festival 2013
Choreography & performance by Imogen Bland in collaboration with percussionst Calie Hough
Photography by Maria Andrews
Social Danse R&D
Omnibus Theatre
Sound and Music's Portfolio Programme
Composition by Lawrence Dunn
Choreography by Imogen Bland
Rich Mix
Barbican Open Lab Showcase
Choreography by Imogen Bland in collaboration
with musician Calie Hough and dance artists Michael Kitchin & Eve Stainton
Shifting Perspectives R&D
Barbican Open Lab
The Pit Theatre
Choreography by Imogen Bland in collaboration with composer Benjamin Graves and dancers
Test Bed1, Dance Live Festival, Resolution!
Choreography by Imogen Bland
Photography by Ondrej Krejci
Three Taghs
Blue Elephant Theatre, Chisenhale Dance Space, Testbed1, Ulverston Music Festival 2013, Dance Live Festival 2014
Choreography by Imogen Bland
Young Composers Project
Huddersfield University
Workshops and performances for undergraduate composers collaborating with choreographers for the first time
Faciltated by Stephen Upshaw, Imogen Bland, Benjamin Graves and Calie Hough